Manasquan Public School District recently completed a $12 million construction program at the Elementary School and High School.  NEW ROAD provided Program Management and Construction Management services during the preconstruction and construction phases of this program.

The program consisted of the following separate bid packages:

  • Fire Alarm replacement at Manasquan Elementary School (MES)
  • Exterior window replacement at MES and stair tower door replacement at Manasquan High School (MHS)
  • HVAC controls replacement and equipment upgrades at MES
  • Additions and renovations at MHS (consisting of a second story three classroom addition above a reconstructed first floor classroom wing, HVAC and fire protection upgrades to the existing gymnasium, addition of a stair tower and elevator; new classrooms are for the District’s STEM program and science laboratories)
  • Site work and paving at MES (including drainage improvements and repaving of the parking lot, new sod on the athletic fields, and a new playground facility)
  • Renovation of the MES Media Center
  • Renovation of the High School Alternative Education Building

Total change orders for the construction program were less than 1.5% and all projects were completed safely, on-time, and within budget.