The construction of Rowan University’s new Discovery Hall
Watch the development of Rowan University's Discovery Hall.
Watch the development of Rowan University's Discovery Hall.
NEW ROAD was awarded by the City of Vineland a single services contract to provide On-site Construction Management Services for the demolition of the site of the former Limpert Brothers confections factory and subsequent construction of a new $14M City of Vineland Fire Station. The City has engaged Manders Merighi Portadin Farrell Architects, LLC (MMPF) for Building Design and managing [...]
NEW ROAD Construction Management is excited to announce that the Board of Education of the Special Services School District and the Vocational School District of the County of Gloucester approved NEW ROAD as Construction Managers for the Gloucester County Vocational-Technical School District. NEW ROAD will provide construction management services for the proposed $16M Advanced Manufacturing and Applied Science Building (AMAS). [...]
NEW ROAD Construction Management Company joined Wicoff Elementary School officials’ and students for a ground-breaking ceremony on Friday December 10, 2021. Work will include additions and renovations to the Wicoff Elementary School including new security vestibule, addition for 4 classrooms, child study team offices, new student and faculty bathrooms, renovations to Media Center, Guidance, existing faculty and student bathrooms, upgrade [...]
NEW ROAD Construction Management took part this year in the 2021 Cooper Norcross 'Run the Bridge" event on Sunday November 7, 2021. More than 2,000 runners and walkers took to the historic Ben Franklin Bridge to participate in the 10K run and two-mile walk. This amazing event benefits the Larc School, which serves students with disabilities. NEW ROAD is happy [...]
On October 7, 2021 Northern Burlington County Regional School District conducted a ribbon cutting ceremony to signify the completion of the high school renovation and construction project. Construction began creating a hallway connecting the 300 and 400 wings of the building and improving the campus environment. Other additions included new performing arts rooms, agriculture rooms and industrial technology labs as [...]
NEW ROAD Construction Management Company is proud of the work they have accomplished to-date in 2021, working for K-12, Higher Education, Municipal and private clients. NEW ROAD is very proud of our construction managers for their commitment to our clients and their projects. We is dedicated to meeting the challenges of our clients construction and for 42 years we’ve [...]
NEW ROAD was engaged in March 2019 as the Construction Manager on the $50M 2018 Referendum projects at all four (4) schools in the Maple Shade School District. Interior renovations included security vestibules, gymnasium, cafeteria, library, toilet rooms, interior door replacements, HVAC, electrical, and plumbing systems. Exterior renovations included roof and windows and new covered canopy. New classroom wing and [...]
On June 24, 2021 NEW ROAD escorted six (6) Board of Education members, five (5) Administrators along with FVHD Architects around the school sites presently under construction throughout the District. NEW ROAD is providing construction management services throughout ten (10) schools as part of the District's successful 2018 $115 bond referendum. The sites presently under construction include: Community Middle School, [...]
The new Medford Town Hall opened to the public on May 17, 2021. Municipal offices are located on the 2nd floor, and elevator service is available. The Pinelands Branch Library is expected to relocate to the first floor in the fall of 2021.