Construction Management Company, Inc., working with Garrison Architects was engaged in November 2016 as the Construction Manager, with a goal of finishing the majority of the work at the Edgewater Park Township school district by the time school started in September 2017. Major renovation and additions to Anne C. Jacques, Mildred Magowan and Samuel Ridgway Schools included extensive HVAC replacement, security vestibules, interior door replacement, new corridor ceilings and lighting throughout, conference room and elevator additions. The work is funded by the $16.1 million bond referendum passed by voters in January 2016. The work also included new electrical services and emergency generators to all 3 schools as well as re-configuring the gas service for 2 of the schools.
Over summer 2017, NEW ROAD worked with contractors to replace the heating, ventilation, electrical wiring and boilers at the schools, as well as added air conditioning to the wings at Mildred Magowan. Additional major work included improving the schools’ security systems, including adding vestibules at both entrances and changing the door hardware; some classrooms and offices were modified, and a conference room was built in the front of the middle school along with an elevator being installed at the Ridgway shool.