NEW ROAD Construction Management Company was present at the main campus safety and security vestibule ribbon cutting ceremony on September 17, 2019.  In his remarks Dr. Heilig noted that, “It is with a sense of PRIDE that we officially unveil the security vestibule, which I believe is the first security project completed with generous funding from the Burlington County Freeholders.” Board President Chip Miller acknowledged. “We have worked diligently, creatively, and responsibly … to create a school environment our students deserve – one where they can focus on learning and preparing for their bright futures.” Acknowledging the $1 million safety grant, Freeholder O’Connell added on behalf of his colleagues, “Burlington County hoped that this program would be the model so that future school tragedies could be avoided.”

Following the ribbon cutting invited guests toured the vestibule and adjoining facilities including the reconfigured security and main offices.  Dr. Heilig recognized the contributions of many individuals including Facilities Manager, Scott Klein; Business Administrator, Lisa Giovanelli; Principal, Joe Martin; Project Manager, Jeremy Dawson and Scott Weitz from New Road Construction; builder Robert Garrison and Architect Dave Poretta; Police Chief Rich Spitler and Chief of Police, Nicholas Peditto; and Zero Eyes COO, Rob Huberty.